First Footers Dance operates with a basic code of conduct which we ask that everyone follows.

  • Please be respectful of other student, staff and anyone during classes, performances and activities.

  • Please wear correct uniform for all First Footers Dance activities.

  • When wearing First Footers Dance uniform, you represent all of us, please behave cordially, respectfully and represent the school well. We are proud of our students and what they achieve and personal pride is just as much part of our teachings as dance.

  • Be respectful of other people property. Property damage and theft is not acceptable. First Footers Dance cannot be held responsible for any damage, loss or theft of property while on site, at an event or under our tutelage.

  • First Footers Dance in an inclusive organisation, as such any discrimination, be it age, gender, sexual orientation, skin colour or anything else will not be tolerated.

  • If there any any problems during time under the tutelage of First Footers Dance or you have any questions please just find a member of staff and ask for help.

  • If you are given an instruction by a member of staff from First Footers Dance, or activity specific staff please follow their instructions and show them respect.

  • Respect works both ways, while we ask the student to respect the staff, staff must also respect the students. If you feel this is not the case, please inform another member of staff.

  • Do not bring drugs or alcohol to any First Footers Dance related activity, in appropriate cases you will be reported to the appropriate authorities.

  • Please dispose of all rubbish appropriately or take it off site with you.

This is not only for your safety but the safety of others and those around you. Thank you.

Have a problem?

Please feel free to get in touch with our senior staff through the contact section of our website.

If you are an enrolled student or the parent of an enrolled student, you can contact senior staff through the parent portal.

Alternatively, you are encouraged to speak to staff before/after classes, or where appropriate at any First Footers Dance activities.